My Hot Take: Split Georgia in Half

I’m going to be heartless like a liberal Ann Coulter (or more like Michael Tomasky?) in this post, so prepare to yikes:

I’m not going to blame black voters for this, be they rural or urban.

I’m going to blame white rural voters in Georgia, especially in rural South Georgia. They will never change their vote, not even for a conservative white “good-ole-boy” Democrat has-been who “won’t bite” like John Barrow.

I’m tired of this state. Split Georgia in half. Pull a “3 Californias” on it.

South Georgia is still outvoting Metro Atlanta statewide, no matter who we will put out there in 2020 or 2022 for Senate or any executive position. Stacey Abrams, if she runs for U.S. Senate, won’t replace David Perdue with this map.

Meanwhile, this is the map of active and inactive Democratic county committees, and a map of how Georgia voted in the gubernatorial.

(Where are the county committees for Talbot, Stewart, Macon? They voted in the majority for Stacey Abrams, but there are no Democratic committees there.)

As far as looking at counties is concerned, I still don’t see the benefit of the “organize-organize-organize” strategy. People are voting the way they’re voting whether or not we are organizationally present. How many more votes can we squeeze out of Democratic voters that don’t fall victim to the next scummy Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger? South Georgians aren’t stupid and are voting for their culture and their beliefs, just like they always have (even when they prevented black people from voting). They’re voting so deeply red for a reason, making the rest of the state look like a joke, and that can’t be ignored or glossed over by assuming that they are stupid.

Republicans are adept at picking their voters (and justifying it, too!), just like their conservative Democratic parents were. I’m open to doing the same thing. Let’s pick our residents. Let’s cut off South Georgia, south of Augusta-Macon-Columbus, into its own state so that they won’t rule the rest of us with their messed-up choices anymore.

I want to win something at least one goddamn election. I want my values to at least be marginally represented in the governor’s mansion at least once every 100 years. We are too large, we have too many counties, and we are still paying the price for the Union not breaking up some Confederate states.

South Georgia ruled the rest of Georgia during the years of the County-Unit System, during the height of Jim Crow apartheid. Brian Kemp ignored urban and suburban Georgia and pulled the votes of rural white South Georgia. Almost all of his mandate comes from South Georgia. I want to bid them adieu so that we can go our own separate ways, so that my political values are more competitive in statewide elections. #2Georgias #BreakItUp

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