CrossRail Chicago: Making High Speed Rail in America Possible

CrossRail Chicago is a practical and affordable way to build the essential core of our nation’s railroad network. It will upgrade and connect several existing rail corridors to create electrified, high-capacity routes into and through Chicago. It will also expand Chicago Union Station as the hub of the nation’s passenger rail network. CrossRail can expand service to hundreds of cities and towns across the country.

The beauty of CrossRail is that all the major parts, the rail corridors and the stations, are already in place. Just a few key connections and upgrades are needed to pull everything together.

Early work is already underway, but Congress must fully fund the Federal Railroad Administration to turn this vision into reality.

Three Ways to Get Involved

Learn More about CrossRail Chicago:

Sign the Petition Asking Congress to Fund CrossRail Chicago:

Become a Member of the High Speed Rail Alliance:

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